Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Tomatoes have arrived!

It has been a cool summer, which has been great for us (no AC) but has lead to sparse yields from our 15 tomato plants.

We've been able to harvest some cherry and grapes daily for the past month.

We even got a occasional larger tomato. So exciting that we had to take pictures of them.

But mostly, we had a whole lot of these:

Well, we had a warm weekend and now we've got tomatoes. We've got heirloom and yellow and beefsteak, oh my! We've got a wide variety (can you see the purple ones...fancy shmancy):

You may ask, "now that you've got all these tomatoes, what are you going to do now?" We've got all sorts of plans for salads, caprese, fresh salsa, stuffed tomatoes and bruschetta. When you've got tomatoes, the possibilities are endless and delicious.

1 comment:

  1. The tomatoes look great. The one you brought us were great too. The yellow one was so different but was delicious.
